Podcast: Episode 1 – Escape Plan

In this inaugural episode of the Board Game Squad, Paul and Adam talk about the games that they have been playing, Kickstarters that caught their eye, and some news from the world of tabletop gaming. They go into detail and discuss at length Vital Lacerda’s “Escape Plan” recently published by Eagle Gryphon Games. There are also some antics of board gaming themed “Would you rather” that you don’t want to miss!

01:21 Caverna: The Cave Farmers 
02:44 In Front of the Elevators 
04:07 Carcassonne: The Castle 
06:45 Irish Gauge 
07:36 Foothills 
09:20 Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon 
11:41 City of the Big Shoulders 
13:13 Pipeline 
14:57 Hansa Teutonica 
17:15 Spire’s End 
18:22 The Search For Planet X 
19:08 Clash of Minds: Holmes vs Moriarty 
19:46 Legacies 
20:28 Galilean Moons 
21:22 South Park and Board Games 
24:55 After School Dice Club 
26:40 Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion 
30:37 Chad Jensen 
31:17 Francis Tresham 
31:42 Grey Fox Games and Reavers of Midgard Kickstarter Controversy 
34:16 Vital Lacerda’s Escape Plan 
54:06 Board Game “Would You Rather”?

Be sure to visit us at https://boardgamesquad.com/podcast. Email us at podcast@boardgamesquad.com! We want to hear from you. Ask us questions, let us know what we got wrong, and let us know what you have been playing lately so we can look into and review your favorite games as well!

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