We are back from our long hiatus! We have two games that we will be discussing: In the Hall of the Mountain King and Age of Steam. Adam and Paul run down some of the games that they have been playing in the last month, and quiz each other in a lightning round opener.
Ice breaker: 1:47
Games we have been playing: 7:18
Adam’s list:
Second Chance: 7:44
Spheres of Influence 7:49
The Estates 7:53
Mandala 8:02
Fugitive 8:09
Its a Wonderful World 8:20
The Climbers & BUS 9:04
Wavelength 9:11
Kings Dilemma 9:58
Paul’s list:
Azul 12:58
Funkoverse Strategy Game 14:44
Sprawlopolis 15:55
Palm Island 20:11
Blood Rage 21:59
Targi: The Expansion 23:34
Rococo Deluxe Edition 25:27
RES Arcana Lux Et Tenebrae 26:38
Ride The Rails/Rail USA 28:03
Fantasy Flight 29:22
Kemet: Blood and Sand 31:09
Mariposas 32:27
KeyForge: Tales from the Crucible 33:19
In The Hall Of The Mountain King 33:46
Age of Steam 43:12
Be sure to visit us at https://boardgamesquad.com/podcast/. Email us at podcast@boardgamesquad.com! We want to hear from you. Ask us questions, let us know what we got wrong, and let us know what you have been playing lately so we can look into and review your favorite games as well!
Paul Shapiro is Founder and Editor of Board Game Squad. He enjoys all types of games and experiences, but has a particular penchant for medium to heavy eurogames.